Harbord House is a quaint gastropub that took over the old Rowers Grill spot on Harbord Street many years ago. Located in a charming Victorian house converted into a bar, the three floor (with two patios) bar/pub serves up the typical pub favourites and refreshingly only serves Canadian microbrews on tap. With its proximity to the U of T campus, a mainly affordable menu, and kitschy themed meet-ups ( power walkers group anyone?) they are definitely appealing to a niche market. Grabbing a table on the upstairs patio affords beautiful views of the city skyline. Every patio table is occupied upon our arrival, and when the cordial yet frenzied waitress speeds by to distribute menus, she explains that they are short staffed, so expect some delays. Being a former server myself, I can remember being in the weeds many a time, and respected her honesty (and the opportunity to bolt if we were in a rush).
Latest Reviews
The service was quick and delightful and the specials board was very impressive!! The price is good and the setting in amazing. You can sit outside on the raised porch, if weather permits, or in a ground floor or upper floor seating area. The produce was of high quality, both fresh and freshly cooked to a good standard. Saldy it is not suitable for wheelchair users as there steps at the entrance itself.