Loka, 620 Queen St W, Toronto, ON M6J 1E4, Canada

Loka Loka, 620 Queen St W, Toronto, ON M6J 1E4, Canada

Loka is an exploration of Canadian cuisine, with an ever-changing menu of inventive, ingredient-inspired dishes, served in a laid-back atmosphere. Named the Best New Restaurant in 2015 by NOW Magazine and Top 20 Best New Restaurant by Toronto Life. We feature an extensive cured meat program, focusing on whole animal butchery with a zero waste policy. We work with small producers, for this reason the ingredients inspire the menu, which changes daily. We are happy to accommodate any food allergies or restrictions, including gluten-free or vegan – we love vegetables too! In addition to our regular menu we offer a full vegetarian menu for our vegetable loving friends.


  • Street parking


  • Serves dinner


  • Good For Groups
  • Takes Reservations
  • Waiter Service
  • Walk-Ins Welcome

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