Ulele (pronounced You-lay-lee) celebrates the vibrant fusion of ingredients from Florida waters and land once home to many Native Americans, including the young princess Ulele. Expect intricately flavored, visually appealing dishes prepared on the 10' diameter barbacoa grill. On Tampa's Riverwalk. The nearly seven-feet tall, 500-pound bronze by Cave Creek, AZ artist Vala Ola celebrates the independent spirit of Ulele, the young daughter of local Tocobaga chief Hirrihigua. In 1528 Ulele pleaded for mercy and threw herself over 17-year-old Juan Ortiz. He was about to be roasted alive in revenge for the tribe's previous hostile encounters with European explorers. Ortiz, a member of the Spanish Narvaez expedition, was spared. Whether love or pity prompted Ulele's actions we will never know. But we prefer to believe it was love – just as we prefer to believe that the all-too-similar Pocahontas-John Smith story 80 years later is based on this one.
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Luckily we scooped up two seats at the outside bar and had access to the full menu. The restaurant serves local Floridian seafood dishes and is located on a stunning part of the river in a quirky (but lovely) building.