Theatrical chefs cook teppanyaki at diners' tables, plus sushi and noodles in a contemporary space.
Everything about Sapporo Teppanyaki defies the ordinary, from our displays of roaring fire to the thrilling teppanyaki performance exhibited by our master chefs.
Sit back and relax as you watch our talented chefs prepare your meal in a uniquely theatrical style. Our teppanyaki dishes are prepared on a traditional, flaming hotplate, where we combine our awe-inspiring performance with masterful trickery in order to prepare some of the most delicious Japanese dishes available in the UK.
Our menu is born from a vision to bring our customers deliciously authentic Japanese dishes with a Western twist, with a number of unique recipes designed to tempt and tantalize your taste buds.
Our restaurant is specially designed to accommodate a wide range of dining preferences. All of our dishes are carefully crafted by our expert sushi chefs in our relaxing bar area, as well as our breathtaking teppanyaki dishes which we prepare before your very eyes.
The taste of Sapporo is one that can only be supplied using the best quality ingredients and the freshest produce available, as well as an experienced hand to cook it to your liking – that’s what we offer to each and every customer who walks through our doors.
We have been serving exceptional Japanese cuisine for 15 years, with our first restaurant opening in Liverpool in November 2003. Since then, we have earned a reputation for serving fantastic food, as well as providing a unique experience through our interactive teppanyaki performance (as demonstrated by our expert Asian chefs).